Currency Creek Arboretum Eucalypt Research

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Native Eucalypts of Victoria and Tasmania
— South-eastern Australia —

Dean Nicolle
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Native Eucalypts of Victoria and Tasmania - South-eastern Australia Native Eucalypts of Victoria and Tasmania is a comprehensive treatment of every eucalypt species and subspecies occurring in these two states of south-eastern Australia (145 eucalypts in total). The book provides a wealth of information regarding their identification, distribution, ecology and uses.

For each of the 145 eucalypts, a double-page spread provides the following information:
  • Images of the whole plant, bark, flowers and fruits
  • Images of the whole plant, bark, flowers and fruits (over 1,000 colour images in total)
  • Detailed map of its distribution in south-eastern Australia (145 maps)
  • Meaning and origin of the name
  • Key features and detailed botanical description
  • Distribution and habitat
  • Cultivation and uses
  • Notes on outstanding individual trees
  • Seedling paintings by Ian Roberts
  • Quick reference guide to flowering times
Designed and written for those with no botanical training, but also catering for the professional, this book will be a valuable resource for all those interested in appreciating, identifying and growing the unique native eucalypts of south-eastern Australia.

334 pages; over 1200 colour illustrations

Sample pages from the book. Click to enlarge!
Introduction sample page Eucalyptus sideroxylon sample page Eucalyptus vernicosa sample page Eucalyptus pauciflora sample page

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